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ApplyEditsAsync() the second time return no EditResults

09-16-2017 09:01 PM
New Contributor III


I want to rollback an Edit since last UpdateFeatureAsync an ApplyEditsAsync(just geometry), so I give the feature the old geometry then UpdateFeatureAsync an ApplyEditsAsync, but it seems can't apply to server database the second time and with no EditResults(count=0) return, Below is my codes

var geoBeforeEdit = feature.Geometry;

var editGeometry = await mapControlView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(feature.Geometry);

feature.Geometry = editGeometry;

await feature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(feature);

IReadOnlyList<EditResult> editResults = await (feature.FeatureTable as ServiceFeatureTable).ApplyEditsAsync();
if (editResults.Any(r => r.CompletedWithErrors == true))
   XHNotifyIcon.ShowFancyBalloon(editResults.Where(r => r.CompletedWithErrors == true).Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, o) => "Edit to Object '" + o.ObjectId + "' failed: " + o.Error.Message + "\n\r"));
   return false;

bool isSuccess = //do something else.....

if(!isSuccess )
   feature.Geometry = geoBeforeEdit;
   await feature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(feature);

   IReadOnlyList<EditResult> editResults = await (feature.FeatureTable as ServiceFeatureTable).ApplyEditsAsync();
   if (editResults.Any(r => r.CompletedWithErrors == true))
     XHNotifyIcon.ShowFancyBalloon(editResults.Where(r => r.CompletedWithErrors == true).Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, o) => "Edit to Object '" + o.ObjectId + "' failed: " + o.Error.Message + "\n\r"));
     return false;
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I'm a little confused about this. You want to roll back if an error occurred failing to apply? If it failed to apply, there's nothing to roll back on the server.

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New Contributor III

Hi, maybe the codes is a bit confusing, I change the codes like below and it will be more clearly.

var geoBeforeEdit = feature.Geometry;

var editGeometry = await mapControlView.SketchEditor.StartAsync(feature.Geometry);

feature.Geometry = editGeometry;

await feature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(feature);

await (feature.FeatureTable as ServiceFeatureTable).ApplyEditsAsync();

bool isSuccess = //do something else.....

if(!isSuccess )
   feature.Geometry = geoBeforeEdit;
   await feature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(feature);

   await (feature.FeatureTable as ServiceFeatureTable).ApplyEditsAsync();
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