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How to remove polygons that intersect points

11-29-2018 06:46 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a way in Model Builder or Python te delete all the polygons from a layer that intersect points from another layer.

The goal is to have a polygon layer with polygons that do not have any matching point in the point layer.

How can I do that? 

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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

If you can do it manually with tools from arctoolbox, then you have the basis for a model.  

Is there a particular problem that you are running into?

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Regular Contributor

The goal is to find porperties (polygons) that do not have meters (points).

We worked with Model Builder and we were able to find the properties that have a meter with Select Layer By Location and then to find the properties without meter we used the erase tool removing "Select Layer By Location" polygons to the initial Properties.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

then to find the properties without meter we used the erase tool

I don't believe the (expensive) erase step is needed, you should be fine with a Select Layer By Location of property polygons containing a meter point, and check the box to invert the selection. Then you will have all polygons selected that do not contain a meter point. You can then Copy Features to copy these meter-less polygons to a new feature class.

Select Layer By Location—Help | ArcGIS Desktop