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Feature Atribute to ASCII model problem

06-27-2015 05:36 PM
New Contributor

I've created a number of profiles as shp using SAGA and i want to create a model to export x,y,z and distances between points to a .txt format. The problem is that the model i've created goes through my folder where i keep my shapefiles (profile_tot) and where the file are (starting from agigea_asc[Profile0].shp agigea_asc[Profile0]_1.shp, and so on until agigea_asc[Profile0]_78.shp, yet the files that get exported do not contain all the values in the attribute table of the shapefiles. For example the results of 3 consecutive profiles each of them containing more than 3 thousand points is an amount similar (not exact - within 50 points missing -) for profile 1 and 3 and around 300-400 for profile 2. This issue has no pattern and it happens random, withing the exported files.

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Is it possible to export your model to a Python script and to attach it to this thread. That allows us to examine what is going wrong (or at least to see if the process is not correct). If it is all correct, then the next step would be to look at the data.

The alternative would be to script it with python. This would not be a long script. It is quite easy to loop through files and for instance use a cursor to export the information (in case the tool has issues).

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New Contributor

Below is the script and the files i am using have generated names starting from agigea_asc [Profile 0]; agigea_asc [Profile 0]_1 up to agigea_asc [Profile 0]_78. I get same problem when exporting to dwg.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Created on: 2015-06-29 09:39:05.00000

#   (generated by ArcGIS/ModelBuilder)

# Description:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Import arcpy module

import arcpy

# Load required toolboxes

arcpy.ImportToolbox("Model Functions")

# Local variables:

profile_tot = "E:\\AGIGEA\\New folder\\profile\\profile_tot"

agigea_asc__Profile_0__shp = "E:\\AGIGEA\\New folder\\profile\\profile_tot\\agigea_asc [Profile 0]_9.shp"

profi_n_ = "C:\\Users\\Andrei\\Desktop\\asd\\profi%n%"

profil_n__DWG = "C:\\Users\\Andrei\\Desktop\\dwg\\profil%n%.DWG"

# Process: Iterate Feature Classes

arcpy.IterateFeatureClasses_mb(profile_tot, "", "", "NOT_RECURSIVE")

# Process: Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

arcpy.ExportXYv_stats(agigea_asc__Profile_0__shp, "DIST;Z", "SPACE", profi_n_, "ADD_FIELD_NAMES")

# Process: Export to CAD

arcpy.ExportCAD_conversion("'E:\\AGIGEA\\New folder\\profile\\profile_tot\\agigea_asc [Profile 0]_9.shp'", "DWG_R2007", profil_n__DWG, "Ignore_Filenames_in_Tables", "Overwrite_Existing_Files", "")

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Looking at the code generated by ModelBuilder I see some strange things, but this does not have to be the reason for the errors that you encounter in the output. I mean the output generated are based on the different input shapes, right?

Maybe you could try this code snippet:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import arcpy
import os

def main():
    # folder and file settings
    profile_folder = r"E:\AGIGEA\New folder\profile\profile_tot"
    out_folder_txt = r"C:\Users\Andrei\Desktop\asd"
    out_prefix_txt = "profi"
    out_folder_dwg = r"C:\Users\Andrei\Desktop\dwg"
    out_prefix_dwg = "profil"

    # export settings
    sep = " "
    flds = ("SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "DIST", "Z")

    # environment
    arcpy.env.workspace = profile_folder

    # list featureclasses and loop through list
    fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("agigea_asc*")
    for fc in fcs:
        # define output file name
        postfix = getPostFix(fc)
        out_txt = os.path.join(out_folder_txt, "{0}{1}.txt".format(out_prefix_txt, postfix))
        # open output file
        with open(out_txt, 'w') as f:
            f.write("X Y DIST Z\n")
            # create search cursor on input shape
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as curs:
                for row in curs:
                    # write to file
                    f.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n".format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]))

        # Export fc to DWG
        out_dwg = os.path.join(out_folder_dwg, "{0}{1}.txt".format(out_prefix_dwg, postfix))
        arcpy.ExportCAD_conversion(os.path.join(profile_folder, fc), "DWG_R2007",
                                  out_dwg, "Ignore_Filenames_in_Tables",
                                  "Overwrite_Existing_Files", "")

def getPostFix(fc):
    # agigea_asc[Profile0].shp    -> ''
    # agigea_asc[Profile0]_1.shp  -> '_1'
    # agigea_asc[Profile0]_78.shp -> '_78'
    return fc.split(']')[1].split('.')[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':

... and check it the output is different (and the missing points are included). Please do create a copy of the output you have created with the ModelBuilder, since it might generate the same output file names (not sure how they are generated in ModelBuilder).

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