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Who am I and why I work in GIS ?

01-03-2021 11:13 AM
Honored Contributor

Hi friends to the around the world !  I am located in Southern Colorado and I am here to introduce myself who am I and why do I work in GIS .

I am myself deaf and been in the GIS field for almost 20 years. I earned my Geography degree from California State University, Fullerton. I also earned a GIS certification from the University of California, Riverside GIS Extension Program.

Who do I work for ? USDA US Forest Service . Pike and San Isabel National Forest, Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands. 

Where am I located in ?  Pueblo, Colorado The Supervisor Office is right here.

Why am I deaf ? My mom had rubella when she was pregnant with me.  Born deaf.

What language do I read and write ?  American English and American Sign Language

How do I communicate with people ? Write, Sign language Interpreters,  Use Video Phone to communicate with hearing and deaf people.

How do I get into GIS ? When I was in college, they offer the basic cartography course which lead me to take further GIS courses and then went to Extension GIS courses to learn more diversity topics.

What do I like ?  I like the weather, watch streaming services, read about the world events, learn new things daily, help others with the same issues in GIS , and Sports.

What do I dislike ? of course Politics, !  

Current projects ? Working on 1930's Aerial Photos using Agisoft Metashape and ArcGIS Pro and on job requests from our forest personnel needs.



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2 Replies
Esri Community Manager

Hello @PROBERT68 , Welcome to the Esri Community (GeoNet). We have a wealth of resources and helpful members here to help you find solutions, make connections and collaborate with others in the GIS field.  Here are a few places to get you started on your journey:

Forestry - GeoNet, The Esri Community

ArcGIS Pro - GeoNet, The Esri Community

to find other topics that may be of interest to you: All Communities - GeoNet, The Esri Community




Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
Honored Contributor

Thank you !