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The world from space projection

06-29-2011 11:07 PM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: alinard

I want to show the overview map using "The world from space" projection. I used it in older versions of ArcGIS without any problems (despite it was very slow), but in ArcGIS 10 I can't get the full extent of the world. It is somehow "cut off", more less along a great elliptic line (see attached images).
Any clues, what I am doing wrong? I try different lat/lon origin values, the problem remains the same.
Any help would be appreciated,
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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Hi Jan,

Is the problem in the main map or layout data frame, or in the overview window? I haven't yet been able to reproduce the problem in the data frame, and am still trying to get the overview window to work at all!

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: alinard

Hi Melita,

I think the problem is solved. After several tests I realized that the background data was already projected into "The world from space" projection (with certain lat/lon of center values) to speed up the display (see your reply:

This seems to clip all the data, which is not visible in this particular extent! This may be realized only when you change the lat / lon of center coordinates in the data frame.

In other words, the data projected into "The world from space" projection can only be used with the original lat / lon of center values.

Is it a proper behavior of the "Project" tool?

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Esri Notable Contributor
Hi Jan,

That's correct. When the software 'clips' features to a particular coordinate system, and saves them, it's permanent. We don't maintain the original feature and its clipped version in any permanent way.

I hadn't even thought about that reason!
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