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Selecting Nested Polygons using ArcPy

06-21-2012 08:08 AM
Deactivated User
First, is there a way to select nested polygons that are completely surrounded by a larger polygon? For example, I'm working with polygons that represent roofs of buildings, and in some cases, there are multiple polygons for a roof, especially when there is a taller  structure in the center of the roof, surrounded by a lower roof area.

Second, would it be possible to automate selection of these nested polygons and tie them to their larger, parent polygon, that completely surrounds them?

I need to combine multiple roof polygons to form one "building" polygon.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
I'm not sure how to find individual, contained features but have you considered using Dissolve for your second question?

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Frequent Contributor
You could do this with a Python script.

Very roughly the script would
  1. Loop thru the feature class
  2. At every iteration do a select by location
  3. If something found, perform a dissolve and move on

Of course this is very general logic. Writing the script and making it do exactly what you want is a different matter.
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