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Representing Multiple Layers

07-27-2015 05:06 PM
Deactivated User

I have 32 world maps labeling countries a color by a status in my data. My problem is creating a way to properly display them. Is it possible to create a selection tool for the user when the map is published to browse the maps?

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6 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Can you elaborate a little more on what the intended audience will want to do with the published result? There are a lot of ways to share your content (multi layer PDF, ArcReader PMF, WebMap, Web App, StoryMap, just to name a few). The type of audience and what you want them to be able to do with your published result (only toggle layers or compare maps side by side for instance), determine what the best option might be...

Deactivated User

Yes, of course.

I mapped the country status of 8 different diseases. Each disease is reported in the domestic and wild sector for two sixth month periods in the year 2014. This results in each disease having 4 map layers; domestic for jan-jun, domestic for jul-dec, wild for jan-jun, and wild for jul-dec. The status of each country is joined to the shape file and results in coloring the entire country.

The intended audience would want an easy way to navigate and compare the 4 maps for each disease, and maybe do the same for different diseases but each being in the same category.


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MVP Honored Contributor

Please indicate how you intend to share this content (see the list Xander provided).

I'm guessing ArcGIS Online would be a good place for you to consider, but you may have other ideas.

Deactivated User

So Xander may have helped me more than I thought. Original I didn't know ways I could publish. I looked into the Story Map Series and that seems like a great option. If I was to do a web app, do either of you have any input?

thank you

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

You will have create a map service: Publishing a map service—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

ArcGIS Online has some nice videos that will show you how: ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

and this topic will be interesting too: Create apps from maps—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

Esri Esteemed Contributor

You may be interested in this template: Story Map Swipe and Spyglass | Story Maps