I�??m converting a mapping system into ArcPy. I�??ve made great progress but hit a stumbling block!!! I want my users to be able to pick, from a pick list, a pre-made mxd and load it into their current ArcMap session. I�??ve created this simple toolbox but�?� could not find any ArcPy method for loading an mxd into the current session?
I could load layer files instead but that would defeat my purpose since the mxds have several elements in the layout (header, footer, north arrow, tailored legend, etc.) that I want to preserve . Since we can�??t create these elements in ArcPy, I am kind of stuck! Using ArcObject to do such a simple task would be kind of ridiculous too. Am I missing something here or was it an oversight in ArcPy?
I can open up an mxd into a �??separate�?� session though, but that�??s not want I�??m trying to achieve:
mxd = r"C:\Temp\eaub490\SUMA\Products\Timber Sales Map\Timber Sales Map.mxd"
Any helps or comments would be greatly appreciated.