Sorry for the thread revival, but I didn't see much point in starting a new one.
I too have this problem. I have a simple arcpy script that outputs to a map book PDF, which works fine, except for one of the layout elements which happens to be an OLE object (Word doc). The element is missing in the PDF; it just shows a blank frame where it should be with "(OLE Frame)" written inside. I have tried a blank mxd with just the OLE element inside as well as linking to two separate documents, both with standard fonts (Arial), but without any success. Normal exports from within ArcMap are fine.
Is there perhaps a parameter that needs to be set for the exportToPDF method for it to handle these elements correctly? Currently I have .exportToPDF(pdfPath,"ALL","","PDF_SINGLE_FILE"). I've tried setting embed_fonts="True" without any success.
I'm currently using ArcGIS 10 SP2 with Python 2.6.5.
Any ideas?