MODEL BUILDER - Create Geometric Network from Derived Feature Dataset and FC

06-03-2013 07:06 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: JamesFNomar05

I am having trouble figuring this one out. I want to create a Geometric Network from derived data.

Some background:
I created a new feature dataset in a FGDB, then imported new feature class into it. The next step would be to create a Geometric Network. The problem is, since this is derived data it does not yet exist. I cannot select the dataset or feature class just created. I know if I run the model then I can select it but I want the user to be able to run this Model from scratch, using the Open command. I have tried making a copy of the feature dataset but that did not work. I tried fooling with preconditions to no avail. Any ideas? I attached 3 screenshots to show what I'm trying to do. Thank you!
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5 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: tfurcron

James if right click on the yellow box (feature class to feature class) and chose run, it will run the model to that point and stop, you can then set up your next steps in the model using that data and save your model.  Once the model is set up you can delete all that data you used to set it up and the user will still be able to run the model from scratch, using the newly derived data each time it is run, you just need to make sure you choose to use the output from the feature class to feature classs "modelflowlines" as you input and not  UNC path like "c:/"
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Deactivated User
Thanks for your reply. It worked better but it still will not run when you 'open' the Model and change the parameter. The error message is attached (#4). Also, when I reference the feature dataset as a direct link it will not work, not finding the feature class. I have to add it as a variable, then it finds the feature class. But that still is not solving the first issue. Any ideas? Thanks fr your help!

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: drewskey

I too had this issue.
I was able to fix it using the Select Data (right-click in model builder) tool.

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New Contributor

Having the same problem here.  I tried several different work-arounds, including using the Select Data tool.  Eventually I settled for running the Create Geometric Network tool in Batch mode. 

Here is a related post: How to execute my model complete with one run? Geometric Network does not work correctly.

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MVP Alum

When Model Builder validation hangs me up like this, I've found the easiest work around is to run the tool inside a Calculate Value tool to get around Model Builder's validation preconditions.

The basic procedure is to create a Python function that runs the tool and returns the output, assigning the output to the data type the tool creates.

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