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Manually changing DDP extent, exports back to default

11-11-2011 06:15 AM
Deactivated User
We have been working with standardized figures for multiple Environmental Assessment reports using DS MapBook in 9.3.1 but would like to convert our process to 10 for those of us who are on 10.  To clarify, we are using DS MapBook more as a catalog system rather than to create a traditional mapbook.  Most figures have a standard extent and the project location is centered in the figure.  Therefore, the extent option in Data Driven Pages (DDP) to "Center and maintain current extent" would work fine.  The issue is that some figures' extents need to be manually adjusted to accomodate other features (i.e. showing the closest historic site).  That means we have to move the project off center and/or change the scale for that individual figure.  Both "Center and maintain current extent" and "Data Driven Scale" export to the defaulted scale after manual adjustment so we are unable to make these adjusted figures.  The only thing I can see us doing is coming up with work arounds which is not ideal.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks.
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor
I'd be interested in your workarounds.  I've noted this in my feedback on 10.1 beta and there's been no suggestion of any solutions in that forum.  Mapbook allowed exporting to pdf through mapbook or through the standard File - Export, and the latter could be used to export at any extent, such as a bookmark.  Since DDP uses only the File - Export method and forces that to use its extents, there is lost functionality.

If one doesn't have Page definitions or the similar clips on a layer, then a workaround might be to disable the DDP and export to a "custom" extent, and then not save the project to preserve the DDP.  But Page definitions are part of what makes DDP an advance.

I also converted one of my index layers to points and tried moving a couple to get them to produce the altered extents I wanted, with the idea of switching between index layers in DDP, but that was hit or miss in my one attempt.

As a side note reflecting the use of Mapbook as a kind of catalog, it had a nice TOC tab that allowed moving between its pages, being able to see the full page names, and turning pages off or on quickly, which DDP lacks.
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Deactivated User
Johns, I completely agree with everything you said.  The workarounds I've considered is adding mass attributes to the index layer that contain different scale options so that we could use the "Data Driven Scale" extent option and just change the scale as needed and re-running DDP.  The problems with that include adding attributes that are not specific or critical to the layer so it's unneccesary when the layer is not being used as an index and, like you said, it takes away from what is supposed to be an advance in the functionality. 

The only other workaround I've considered is disabling the DDP, like you said.  That also causes another small issue for us because we have three tagged text lines and disabling DDP removes that link so we have to manually enter the information.

I didn't think about the idea you had for offsetting the index layer points to accomodate the needed extent.  That's a good idea but it wouldn't really work for us since we have 2000+ properties and 9 figures for each.  We really need the flexibility of adjusting on demand.

The TOC tab was the first thing I noticed/missed when I saw DDP.  I don't know why but having that list seems so much better.  I would love if ESRI would/could work that back in, or something like it.
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Honored Contributor
#NIM059032 covers a request to add something like the map series TOC page to DDP.

I haven't submitted an enhancement request on the DDP print yet because I provided feedback on the 10.1 forums for just such a thing.  But I think I'll submit one and let you know if I get a NIM# out of it.

You could submit something on the Ideas forum to cover both.
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Esri Regular Contributor
The suggestions you have for working only with DDP are valid but realize that all this "custom" behavior could also be accomplished using arcpy.mapping (with or without DDP).

Also, at 10.1 we will add arcpy.mapping support for bookmarks so you can iterate through a list of bookmark extents.

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Regular Contributor
Hi all,

Thats great thanks for the info regarding this.

Quick query Jeff will the arcpy iteration function work as part of DDP's? EG: Can I access some of the DDP functionality such as Data Driven Page Name or

number via dynamic text?

Thanks in advance,

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Esri Regular Contributor
I'm not sure I completely understand this question.  DDP dynamic text is only available if DDP is enabled.  If you are using pure arcpy.mapping without DDP then DDP dynamic text won't be available and you have to manually set it through arcpy.mapping.

If you provide a more complete scenario and platform (DDP vs arcpy) I'll try to answer this better.

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Deactivated User
My two cents: I was trying to make an overview map of my DDP series simply by disabling DDPs saving as a new mxd file.  Then when I reopen the mxd it 'remembers' either the zoom extent and/or clipping and I can't make it 'forget'.  If I disable it re-enables when I open the mxd.  So it seems once an mxd has seen DDPs it will never go back to a non DDP mxd.  I tried turning off the DDP tool bar and disabling "map Production" extenstion (if that is related).
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Esri Regular Contributor
Very bizzare.  We had a somewhat related issue a while back with extents getting reset when you enable/disabled DDP.  But that was addressed in SP3.  What SP are you currently on?  Would you be able to share a map package, send to

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