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How to pass Township, Range and Section information of oil wells to Esri maps?

05-07-2014 02:50 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi Team,

We would like to show/locate the oil wells situated in USA on Esri maps using Township, Range and Section information.

E.g. here is the information.
Section - 22, Township - 15N, Range-16W
And State - Oklahama , County - Custer

So how we can achieve this requirement with Esri maps?

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4 Replies
MVP Alum
I have done this many times. My process is to obtain the TRS polygon data, and then format my input well table to match the single TRS column in the polygon data. THen I create an address locator from the TRS polygon file (General - single field for style). Then I geocode the table. Typically I am working with quarter quarter sections as well, so the ability to interactively match records that do not automatically get matched is a huge plus.
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Emerging Contributor
I have done this many times. My process is to obtain the TRS polygon data, and then format my input well table to match the single TRS column in the polygon data. THen I create an address locator from the TRS polygon file (General - single field for style). Then I geocode the table. Typically I am working with quarter quarter sections as well, so the ability to interactively match records that do not automatically get matched is a huge plus.

Thanks Jim for quick response.

I will try to implement this solution.

Meanwhile it would be great if you provide me any code sample or link for TRS poligon.

Thanks & Regards,
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks Jim for quick response.

Actually i would like to implement this in our web application developed in VB Dot net framework 2.0.
But, may i know is there any prerequisite/dependancy to implement this solution in my dot net web application.

How i can create or connect to "well table"? Do i need to use any table for this?

Basically TRS information is available in our database.

Meanwhile it would be great if you share a little piece of code or link for TRS poligon.

Thanks & Regards,
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MVP Alum
I am not a .net programmer, so can not help you there.
Here is a link to BLM Public Land Survey System (PLSS) data for Custer county Oklahoma:
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