I want to know whether it's possible to write label expression that displays fractions. I have points that contains list of tree species, height and diameter and I need to make them look like this:
My current expression displays each attribute in their own line but I need everything in single row.
def FindLabel ( [TREE], , ):
if [SDS]:
return "<FNT size = '6,5'>"+[TREE] + "</FNT>"'\n' + "<UND><FNT size = '6,5'>" + +"</FNT></UND>" + '\n' +"<FNT size = '6,5'>" + +"</FNT>"
I checked text formatting tags Formatting tags available in ArcMap—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop but none of them allows to create fractions. I also tried using placement properties and defined each class separately. Perhaps there is some other way to make it work.
I'm using ArcMap 10.3.1
Any help is appreciated.
Perhaps in your label expression create an out put like this:
"<sup>"& [YourNumeratorField]& "</sup>"&"/" & "<sub>" & [YourDenominatorField]&" </sub>"
Thank you!
Not exactly what I wanted but this is a lot better of what I have.
The only other way to get what you want that I am aware of is to use CSS styling and HTML format to force centering of super and subscripts stacked over a horizontal line. This would not be easy to implement in ArcMap.
To make my last one easier this is an idea request which you may want to vote on..