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Format Dynamic Text Coordinates

01-28-2016 04:21 AM
Deactivated User

I am using data driven pages and including a url to our web-mapping system to show the same extent as the current map. This requires X & Y coordinates without any comma separators (6 figure coordinates for British National Grid)

Is there a way to format coordinates so they are displayed without a comma separator? I know I can adjust the decimal places in the tag but are there any other options (Add and modify dynamic text—Layouts | ArcGIS for Desktop )?

I know I can create new fields, calculate geometry and format the number in the field properties but would like to avoid this if possible so I do not have to calculate geometry for new polygons.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User

Unfortunately that dynamic text is hard-coded to use the thousands separator. You might see about suggesting that be changed to an optional parameter. Please post the suggestion/request on the ideas site at

In the meantime, you might consider using python/arcpy to update the text as needed, using regular static text. I'm not well-versed enough in python to say how that might be done, but I'm sure there are plenty of people around this forum who could.

Deactivated User

Thank you David. I thought that may be the case. I have posted the idea (ArcGIS Idea - Give more formatting options for Coordinates as Dynamic Text ) so will see if anything comes of that. In the meantime I will have a look into python options