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feature request: export to pdf with metadata

03-09-2010 03:02 AM
Occasional Contributor
Last minute request (when is RC1 due?) for extra functionality:

It would be usefull to include the mxd properties in the PDF metadata (XMP) when exporting to PDF. technically simple, as the arcpy module already makes this possible:

import arcpy
pdfDoc = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentOpen(r"C:\Temp\ParcelAtlasOverview.pdf")
pdfDoc.updateDocProperties(pdf_title="Atlas Overview",
                           pdf_subject="Map Book",
                           pdf_keywords="Atlas; Map Books",
del pdfDoc

For my not so python/arcpy-minded users it would be nice to include this in the standard user interface

To be extended with:
- lastsavedate,
- lastsavedby,
- arcgis version/build,
- mxd name + path
and even:
- data sources of used layers
and finally (perhaps already ArcGIS 13 by then):
- metadata of datasources used

That would make a perfect archiving system, not depending on ArcGIS versions, not depending on the availability of datasources!
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6 Replies
Esri Contributor
For the ArcGIS 10 release, the scope for the advanced PDF exporting options was to use Python. Hence the PDF Document updateDocProperties method. However, we do have an enhancement in our system for the ArcMap Document Properties to automatically transfer to the PDF Document Properties on export. The tracking number for this enhancement is NIM042352.

In regards to the other properties you want transfered to PDF Metadata, one workflow is to use dynamic text. It's not XMP metadata, but its visible on the PDF as an accurate snapshot of the MXD at time of export. Many of the properties you menationed in the post are available out of the box as dynamic text. Others, such as all the paths to data, can be generated via a Python script.

Moreover, I have found pure Python XMP samples and toolkits on the web that appear to write XMP for PDFs. I havent tested these.
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Deactivated User
Many of the properties you menationed in the post are available out of the box as dynamic text. Others, such as all the paths to data, can be generated via a Python script.

I think the original request is a great idea. Your solution, however, is a little tricky. I don't know Python and would love for ArcMap to just put all that info into the PDF automatically. It'd be a big help.
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Deactivated User
The tracking number for this enhancement is NIM042352.

Where can I track that? Thanks.
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Esri Contributor
If you give me your customer number or site, I will attach you to the enhancement. I believe you will be able to track it on the customer care portal after that. You can email me your info if you like,

Alternatively, you can contact Tech Support to get added to the bug, or to track it.
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Emerging Contributor
I also think this would be an extremely useful enhancement. 

I posted a thread earlier, mentioning that I would like to be able to include certain Arc elements in the PDF metadata at the time of export or print.

Primarily an element which we have labelled "Map Title" for example.  This differs to the file name of the MXD, and thus this would need to somehow need to be selected as an element to export, or automated to over write the MXD title in the PDF metadata before export or print.
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Esri Contributor
Thanks for the feedback. I would also recommend that users log or vote on this enhancement on the ideas site... That is another way of getting traction and visibility on enhancements.
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