You have options, and from simple to complex:1. Create a new field within in your index that has the name exactly as you want it to be, use a vb/python field calculation to populate this new field. You'd probably have to pull in the field with the new line characters, split on that, then split on the comma and rearrange it to how you want it to be.2. Export them with the page number, and then run a renaming script of some sort. I default to python, but you could probably come up with something in another language if you wanted to. You could export the table to an excel file and do your renaming in that. Below is code that I used to rename all of my pdfs, basically when I export (I use terrago geopdf more than the default arcmap pdf) I end up with a single character at the beginning of my name. E.g. if my export name was 'foo', it will export it as '_foo.pdf', and I want to add '_geo' to the end. So the below script takes off the first charcater '_' and adds '_geo' to the end. It runs really quick. You could easily write out a csv file, read that in as a dictionary and then do the renaming. I save the code below as '' and just put in the same directory as the pdfs that I'm renaming.
import os, inspect
scriptName = inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() )
scriptFolder = os.path.split(scriptName)[0]
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(scriptFolder):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(".pdf") and not filename.endswith("_geo.pdf"):
oldfilename = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
newfilename = os.path.join(dirpath, os.path.splitext(filename)[0][1:] + "_geo.pdf")
print "old: " + oldfilename
print "\tnew: " + newfilename
os.rename(oldfilename, newfilename)
3. Write a python script to export a page at a time (through a loop of course), where you take the field that has the names in it and parse it out to how you want it to be. So this would avoid creating another field, but require a little more complexity in terms of writing the export code.Hope this helps.George