Errors creating Grid Index Features Arc10

05-25-2011 05:52 AM
Frequent Contributor
Not sure if this is the right forum for this or not.  I'm attempting to create new Grid Index Features for an 11x17 mapbook.  I run the geoprocessing tool from the toolbox using the box size that I want on the page, my city limits as the extent and a reasonable map scale (only about 13000).  It takes everything fine and creates the feature class in a file geodatabase but gives the warning of:
WARNING 000117:  Warning empty output generated.
I've checked the extent and everything is fine but there are no features created.
Any one else had this happen and if so, how did you get around it?
I'm using ArcInfo 10 SP1 on a Win7 machine with quadcore 8 gig ram.

For giggles, (KNOWING from past experience), I reran the process without using the city limits for an extent but using the origin that I got from that layer.  IT RAN and gave me a grid!!!!!

WHY is it that ESRI will give several options on geoprocessing tools or tools in general (Maplex being another that I have run into that I can remember off the top of my head) that either DO NOT RUN PROPERLY OR CRASH THE MAP????
If it doesn't work - either fix it or remove it - preferably FIX IT.

Just had to vent my frustration.
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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Could you please send me your city limits feature class so I can try to reproduce the issue?  Send a zip to

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Deactivated User
Was there ever a resolution to this issue?

I am experiencing the same exact problem more than 2 years later.  I am also using 10.0, but, unfortunately, am only running Windows XP.

Particularly vexing is the fact that I ran the same exact tool with the same settings and a feature class input that was derived from the same source data (just clipped to a different extent) and it worked exactly as it should.  I've since tried to run the process using a different feature input (again same source but clipped to a different extent) and I get the same error:

WARNING 000117: Warning empty output generated.

Please provide an update if there is one -- thank you!

- Sam
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Deactivated User
Some more information that I've gathered concerning this issue:

1) When trying to run the Grid Index Features tool from the model builder I noticed that the optional "Generate Polygon Grid that intersects input feature layers or datasets" text and accompanying check box are grayed out.

Once I've chosen the Input Features this check box should be checked by default and make itself available to toggle on and off.  That should have been an obvious sign that something was wrong.

2) I was then able to run the Grid Index Features tool outside of the model builder as a one off event, yet this has, for seemingly no good reason, also broken. 

So I'm back at square one where I'm receiving empty outputs both from the model builder and the stand alone tool.

3) I should mention that I'm grabbing an ArcInfo license from my organizations global headquarters in Virginia and I am in Connecticut with an unstable internet connection -- I know that's crazy but true.

The software loses the connection to the license several times throughout the day and that has impacted the ability of certain tools to run in the past.  It's very intermittent and spotty so its always hard to pin that down as a cause.

Anyone have any constructive feedback?

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Occasional Contributor
It is now Feb 2014 & I am having the same problem.  I have a small area I only want to create 4 mapbook pages from.  I have tried every combination in filling out the Grid Index Features & either get an empty grid or one that is gigantic & covers the north part of the county!  Has this been resolved in  3 yrs?
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Deactivated User
Hi Catherine,

For the life of me I forgot how I resolved this issue but it may be something simple such as that your inputs need to live in a geodatabase and not just as stand alone shapefiles.

Try that and let me know if it works.

- Sam
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Occasional Contributor
We never use shapefiles, so my layers are in a geodfb.  Thanks, tho.
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New Contributor
Hi Catherine
This is the procedure that works for me successfully in v.10.1
1. set up paper size and units
. 2 On Grid Index Features:
to indicate the feature that contains information on the territory (this fixes the extension)
b. Enable Generate Polygon grid
c. specify rows and columns

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Frequent Contributor

8 years later and this problem still exists with ArcMap 10.5.1!

I have found a 'fix' (actually a work around) that resolves the problem...  at least in my case...

I found that if I exported my source layer to a new feature class, added the new feature class to the map, and then used this new feature class as the source layer, the 'Grid Index Features' works fine.

I had a similar problem with the 'Strip Map Index Features' (different error message), and this same work around fixed it for 'Strip Map Index Features' as well as for 'Grid Index Features'.

I haven't done much analysis on why this may be, but my original source layer had a definition query.  I have found that some ArcMap tools do not play nicely with layers with a definition query, and some do not play nicely with layers with a join.  In such cases, I always export to a new feature class (or in arcpy, use 'FeatureClassToFeatureClass_management() to create a temporary 'in_memory' feature class), and use the new feature class as the tool input.  Then delete the new feature class when done.

I hope this helps some other people who are experiencing trouble with this tool.

New Contributor

This worked for me, thank you for the fix!!

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