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dynamic maps with pictures?

12-27-2018 02:14 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi, I am hoping I ask my question at the right place.

How can I insert (dynamic) pictures of civil engineering constructive works into dynamic maps in ArcGIS?

I created maps with a general map, a site map, dynamic text for the civil engineering constructive works on rivers. Now I like to insert at least one picture at every map as well.

I know, I have to create a database that includes a link to the pictures (new File-Geodatabase, new Feature-Class (Point), and so on). No Problem. Why can I only insert one picture (raster) with this method and not more?

Hope someone is working over Christmas.



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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi Bo

Thanks for your help. I created already a data file for the pictures. I like to insert one or more pictures from the data file at the map as well. Is this possible with ArcGIS Basic?




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Esri Alum

Yes, you should be able to do this with a possible with an ArcGIS Desktop Basic license.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Bo, how can I insert the pictures?

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