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DDP won't recognize "From Current Display Extent" on export to PDF

08-03-2012 05:06 PM
Deactivated User
The contrast stretch when exporting from DDP seemingly reverts to "From Each Dataset" instead of the "From Current Display Extent".  I have a very dark image that is only really usable when the stats used are from the current extents.  Any advice, is there an option I've missed?
ArcMap View

PDF Export View
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
I just tried testing this and I could not reproduce (both with the UI and arcpy).  The exported DDP multi-page PDF appears to be using the settings.  I added an RGB composit SID file and used the same settings as you.  When I next each page in ArcMap and compare to the resulting output PDF, things look the same.

What version/sp are you using?
Arc you exporting from the UI or arcpy?

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: adaminglis

Hi Jeff,

I'm using version 10.1 and exporting from the UI.  I'm in the field this week, so I'll only be able to work on this issue in the mornings/evenings.  Thanks for your help

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Deactivated User
Would it help if I sent you the original SID files, or posted them to our FTP site?
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