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Data Frame Properties - Clip to Shape - Exported PDF isn't correct

08-23-2012 11:34 AM
Frequent Contributor
On the attached PDF, I'm clipping a density raster to a county polygon.  The layout looks great, but when exported to a PDF this is the result.  A bar on the top and bottom of the pdf of that raster that would appear had it not been clipped.

I'm using ArcMap 10.1 Advanced.

Attached is a screenshot of the Layout, and the PDF.
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Original User: mrivera

I found out what solved the problem.

I was clipping to the shape of the county and then excluding the County layer.  If I didn't exclude the county layer (in other words, allow the county layer to be clipped) then there was no issue.
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Glad to see this is going to be fixed in Service Pack 1 of 10.1

NIM066834 - Data frame clipping does not clip the top and bottom bands of raster layers on output when at least one layer has df clipping layer exclusion turned on.
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