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Automating Title Blocks

07-12-2013 02:36 PM
Deactivated User
I have created a series of ArcMap documents with templates for various title blocks that I add to different types of maps. I also developed a Python script/tool that allows me to input all the text that will appear and then format and place all the graphic and text elements on the page. I know that it isn't currently possible to create new graphic elements using the arcpy.mapping module, but what I am wondering is if there is a way to bring in graphic and text element from another ArcMap document. The way I have it setup now I can either start with the map template, build my map, Save As, then run the tool when it's done to place the elements or use the Change Layout function then run the tool.

It would be much easier if I could simply pull the elements from the template ArcMap document.
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
It is not possible to move elements from one mxd to another.

You may also want to look into cloning.  Graphic and Text elements can be cloned.  You could author the lines and text and then clone elements as you need them to dynamically build your title blocks using scripting logic.

The following sample shows how to use arcpy.mapping cloning to build dynamic tables.

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