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Automated map export within same project of different data extents

05-25-2010 05:13 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: rubenrommens

Hi everyone,

Could anyone help me with this?
I'm a relative newbie when it comes to script writing, modelling, etc... but I wonder if the following could be automated.

I have an arcmap project with a shapefile of rivers and a shapefile of a huge number of town/city boundaries(polygon).
Now, I want to export one map with the rivers on it per city boundary.
The extent of the map should fully contain the town/city boundary. Legend,... must stay the same, the only thing which has to change is the extent of the data frame.
Is there a way to automate this proces???

Any help is most welcome !

Kind Regards,

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If you're using 10, data driven pages can do this for you:
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