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Adjust color ramp raster tif

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05-08-2017 03:51 AM
New Contributor

Hello everyone,

I am trying to reproduce the same characteristics of a raster tif than the same attached in the picture.

I have a raster tif with different value. I already excluded all values above 1000 as they are land area.

I now want to have a descrete color ramp or stretched color ramp, but want to adjust it with certain values/breaks where the colour changes. it should look like this:

But I just achieved this:

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14 Replies
New Contributor

But I can not change the values. I type something in and it switches back to the value before

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Regular Contributor

Start from the bottom.

Probably it's because the values overlap.

New Contributor

Ah, I found the mistake: You need to change the values starting from minimum. If you do maximum first it is not working. Thank you very much for your help

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Regular Contributor

Glad it helped.

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Occasional Contributor III

In case you check back: If you need this more than once ... think about creating a function template using the raster functions of "remap" and "attribute table", story it as a rft.xml that you can easily edit and reuse - PLUS your data will have a proper legend in the TOC then. Make sure you honor the valuable hints on compression and resampling in the attribute table function description. Feel free to ask if things are unclear. Provide a small sample image if needed. Regards Guenter 

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