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Add .mxd with vba

05-16-2011 09:22 AM
New Contributor
hi, I need to create an application in ArcMap, I have a. mxd with a scale bar, legend and north and I want to open when you click on a botton.
If I open a layer eg countries.shp and after clicking on the botton to open the. mxd generate a new. mxd that already contains countries.shp and legend can see the name of the state that already gives by default. or if not someone help me with the code to open a. mxd thanks!
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
In order to help with this I will need more information.  From what I gather, you have a template MXD with all the right page elements.  I'm not clear on the how you "open" a layer and click on a button part.

I'm also trying to figure out a way to do this without VBA.  Rather than opening a new MXD, are you OK with the current template MXD being dynamically updated with the choosen layer?  I'm trying to move you towards arcpy.mapping to perform your automation.  The button could be a script tool that does what you need.

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