LocalMaps user community breakfast - NZEUC '23

09-22-2023 06:51 PM
Esri Contributor
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Hello all - As the NZEUC'23 is just a day away - I want to inform you that there will be a Breakfast session for the LocalMaps users on the 2nd day of the conference. You are more than welcome to join us (LocalMaps team) for a morning of delicious food and great company of users across the country. You will be served a variety of breakfast favourites along with updates on v3 development.


:calendar:: Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 :timer_clock: 7:30 AM

📍: Room Jade 2, Cordis (NZEUC Conference venue)


This is a great opportunity to meet and network with other LocalMaps users, share tips and tricks, and there will be an invitation to take part in UAT of v3x. If you are not attending for any reasons, no worries. Details and feedback from the conference will be shared along later, through which you can have your say as well.  


NZEUC 2023 -  https://nzeuc.eagle.co.nz/



The LocalMaps Team

About the Author
Product Manager - LocalMaps NZ | Eagle Technology | Wellington, NZ