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LM Viewer 3.x (beta) - Release Info and sneak peek

12-21-2022 04:24 PM
Esri Contributor
4 0 368

Nga hararei koa!

As we round off 2022, we would like to firstly thank all you LocalMappers out there for another great year – your feedback and support has helped us improve LocalMaps and hopefully gets you excited about the things coming very soon…

While we had aimed to release a BETA of the Experience Builder LocalMaps 3.x Viewer, we realise that many organisations will likely only be looking to get their hands onto the new viewer in the New year – so we have lined up our release to get it front of mind in 2023.

As a little holiday treat, we would like to share some sneak peeks / feature info on the Viewer which will be available from Feb 9th 2023. As we have mentioned in a few coms and presentations around the viewer, we have focused on the most important / well used components for our first beta release. So, while not ALL features or widgets are in there just yet, rest assured we have ticked off many requests to tide you over while we finish off the remaining widgets and crack into the admin UI for Version 3.1.  

So here we go – some of our fav new features of the Viewer 3.x (Beta).

  • JSAPI v4 Improvements including:
    • Fast loading – useful for rendering of district plan/property layers
    • Lazy loading – for widget and asset-images
    • Search performance optimization
  • NEW Draw / Measure (and…cue applause!)
    • Taking inspiration from the Map Viewer Sketch capabilities, the new Draw / Measure has a fresh UI, taking in many enhancements from you all and designed to take you intuitively through annotation workflows.

  • Widget UI Improvements – Across the LocalMaps widgets we have leveraged a combination of Esri's Calcite Design Language & Esri’s Experience Builder team's own UI components to develop a new look and feel in the Layers, Legend and Print tools.
  • General Usability improvements e.g.Icon highlights for open widgets

That is just a little taste of the Viewer 3.x Beta – coming to you in Feb. For now, have a wonderful Christmas and summer break and we will see you back in January!

Nga Mihi,

The LocalMaps Team