Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing tools have been organized and modified. You can now download them in a single location and easily deploy them.
The collection of toolboxes cover the following areas: data migration, feature adjustment, parcel fabric adjustment, export and reporting, field calculation and useful samples for python (script tools) developers.
In this meeting we'll demo how to get and deploy the tools + demo some of the tools we are excited about.
All the tools can be found in this location:
Revision 12-20-2017.
(The fix was to update the code to use an explicit path to the default geodatabase.)
Revision 12-14-2017. Enhancements include:
Revision 3-22-2017. The Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing Tools item has been updated based on your feedback. Updates include:
Revision 3-15-2017. The Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing Tools item has been updated based on the feedback from the Meetup and other requests. The Revision 3-15-2017 updates include:
Notes: All the tools will work on 10.4 and higher, however *some* of them will be available on 10.3 as well. We are not able to support all of the toolboxes and scripts on releases 10.3 and earlier, as certain of the functionality was not present.
Hey yall! I was stoked to try the export to simple feature classes tool for our public release, but I've tried a few times and run into this error. States the tool can't be used in an edit session, which I already knew from the notes. I'm not in an edit session. I'm using 10.4.1. I'll provide any other details I can to help.
Hi Anna,
What is your default geodatabase set to? Please try to change your current map document's default database to a file geodatabase, or something separate to the geodatabase that holds your fabric (if it's not already?) and try again. The error messaging needs to be improved here, regardless, so thanks for reporting this.
Is there a limit to how many polygons/lines/parcels that can be run through these GP tools?
Thanks for this great tutorial. I've been looking for something like this for a while now.
Hello Matthew,
Thanks for the feedback.
you can restrict the number of processed features for any geoprocessing tool using selection.
Another option is to modify the script. Here is an example:
featuresSelected=len(arcpy.Describe(inputPolygonLayer).FIDSet.split('; ')) if featuresSelected>maxNumberOfParcelsToProcess: arcpy.AddError("\n\n\nToo many polygons selected. Select less then {0}. \n\n\n Aborting.".format(maxNumberOfParcelsToProcess)) return None
Hi Tim,
The default geodatabase is the original default, a file geodatabase on my hard drive under Documents\ArcGIS. The fabric resides on our server.
I'm running into an error and I've narrowed it down to what seems to be the polygon causing the error (it keeps highlighting this particular polygon). Why am I receiving this error?
UPDATE: I have found that having all your data under the same GD helps with these GP's.
Hi Anna, I was able to reproduce the problem when the fabric layer references a source that is a version other than default. When changing the data source to the default version the export succeeds. If you reference the default version, does it work for you?
Hi Tim,
I'll give a shot in the next day or so and will get back with you. I can't recall if I was using the default or not.