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How does callout remove the default dialog shape background

09-04-2023 02:19 AM
Emerging Contributor

How does callout remove the default dialog shape background,RuntimeSdk200.2.

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Could you share some more details about your issue? The contents of the callout are determined by the `View` object you pass to one of the functions. Does your question relate to the background of this View object?

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for reply!

In 100.15.1 version, for example, you can call "calloutStyle. SetLeaderLength (0)"  to remove the arrow, but in 200.2 SceneView, didn't see the corresponding method.



In the screenshot above, I only want to keep the black background part and remove the white background outside.

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Esri Contributor

@skyfendskyfend - thanks for clarifying. The current callout at 200.x does not support custom styling. We have logged an enhancement request to support this in an upcoming release.

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