FeatureLayer. queryFeatures result is not return all attributes,How to set outFields?
I used ArcGis Kotlin SDK 200.1.0
For example this image:
This FaetureLayer have fields:"objectid","sbm","code","name","dwdm","code","hzjh".But when I run queryFeatures or selectFeatures,only return fields "code","name" and "objectid".
I found that the outFields in QueryParameters is not set by internal methods.
How can I get the full attribute result featrues?
val queryParams = QueryParameters().apply {
whereClause = "name LIKE '%$name%'"
// layer.featureTable?.queryFeatures(queryParams)
val queryResult: Result<FeatureQueryResult> = featureTable.queryFeatures(queryParams)
// val queryResult: Result<FeatureQueryResult> = (layer as FeatureLayer).selectFeaturesWithFields()
queryResult.onSuccess { res ->
Log.d("fields", res.fields.toString())
res.fields.forEach {
Log.d("for", it.toJson())
res.forEach {
it.attributes.forEach {
Log.d("attributes", "${it.key}-${it.value}")
val features = res.toList()
if (features.isNotEmpty()) {
features[0].attributes.forEach {
Log.d("features", "${it.key}-${it.value}")
val layerResult = object : SearchFeatureSet {
override var name = layer.name
override var layer = layer
override var features = features
override var showMore = false
You can use the following method to receive all the features loaded, alternatively you can also individually load a specific feature to load only its attributes.
suspend fun queryFeatures(
parameters: QueryParameters,
queryFeatureFields: QueryFeatureFields
): Result<FeatureQueryResult>
and use QueryFeatureFields.LOADALL.
Thank you for your help,I have modified my request code,and now I can query all the attributes!
I got FeatureLayer.FeatureTable as to ServiceFeatureTable
val queryResult: Result<FeatureQueryResult> = (featureTable as ServiceFeatureTable).queryFeatures(queryParams,QueryFeatureFields.LoadAll)
In addition, one thing I want to ask, why not allow Settings in the FeatureTable QueryFeatureFields?