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How to use ArcGISTiledLayer arcgis android 100.0.0

01-16-2017 08:25 PM
Occasional Contributor

How to create Map (display map) base on ArcGISTiledLayer arcgis android 100.0.0 by Tile map cached services from Arcgis server

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Honored Contributor

This sample demonstrates how to add an ArcGISTiledLayer to your map:

ArcGIS Tiled Layer URL—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android | ArcGIS for Developers 

If you need to use an offline tile cache, you can create an ArcGISTiledLayer with a path to a .tpk file. (tile package). For offline vector tiles, ArcGIS Pro allows you to author a map for vector tile creation and  create a vector tile package using a geoprocessing tool. You can add this local vector tile package (.vtpk) as a vector tiled layer (ArcGISVectorTiledLayer) to your ArcGIS Runtime app and create a basemap from it.

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