what i am trying to do is draw a line as a molelinesymbol the first point i am able to pick from the mouse click but how to pick the second point? I am using Joptionpane showinput dialog, but as soon as that dialog box appears, the application will just hung up and never respond again..
I am putting the complete code in the text file attached and the AddLine function below..looking forward to your help guys.. I am really stuck :confused:..
private void AddLine(IPoint location)
[INDENT]// create the symbol using a default symbol ID code (fix task line)
IMoleSymbol moleSymbol = new MoleLineSymbol();
moleSymbol.setSymbolID ("GUTPF---------X");
moleSymbol.setTextLabels (getLabels());
moleSymbol.setTextSize (2.0);
// override the default line color and width - these settings are optional
//ILineSymbol lineSymbol = (ILineSymbol) moleSymbol;
//lineSymbol.setColor (getRandomColor());
//lineSymbol.setWidth (dRandom(1, 5));
// create a new line geometry for the symbol - this symbol requires two points
IPointCollection pointCollection = new Polyline();
// place the first endpoint of the line somewhere inside the current map extent
IActiveView activeView = m_mapWindow.getMapBean().getActiveView();
Envelope ext = (Envelope) activeView.getExtent();
double lat = dRandom (ext.getYMin(), ext.getYMax());
double lon = dRandom (ext.getXMin(), ext.getXMax());
pointCollection.addPoint (location, null, null);
// here i am trying to take Lat-Long from inputdialog
[INDENT][/INDENT]pointCollection.addPoint (createPoint(lon, lat),null,null);
// set up the graphic element with the random geometry
ILineElement lineElement = new LineElement();
lineElement.setSymbol ((ILineSymbol)moleSymbol);
IElement element = (IElement) lineElement;
element.setGeometry ((IGeometry)pointCollection);
// add the new element to the map and update the user interface
activeView.getGraphicsContainer().addElement (element, 0);
activeView.partialRefresh (esriViewGraphics, null, null);
catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }[/INDENT]