Hi, would like to know if there's a way to convert EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326 in esri Sdk?
Basically, I have a Point passing a y and x like this with Spatial Reference being web mercator (3857):
Point point1 = new Point(1.7040237624799997e7,-3099509.4953500014, SpatialReferences.getWebMercator());
Then I have another point with Spatial Reference WGS 84 (4326):
Point point2 = new Point(153.089361, -26.802295, SpatialReferences.getWgs84());
I need to convert the web mercator point (point1) to wgs 84 and get the lat/long of this point.
How can I achieve that? spent 3 days searching, but couldn't find anything on esri docs. Found
CoordinateFormatter class, but couldn't see how it could help.
Please, any help would be much much appreciated!
Dear Rafael,
You should use GeometryEngine class for that. Check it here: GeometryEngine| arcgis-java and Project—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java | ArcGIS for Developers
Hope this helps.