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Help about ZoomControls

09-02-2019 05:49 AM
New Contributor II

Hi , 

I am trying to develop zooControls like zoomIn and zoomOut.  i give below the code about zoomIn and ZoomOut.

public void zoomIn() {
double x, y;
x= mapView.getScaleX();
y= mapView.getScaleY();


public void zoomOut() {
double x, y;

x= mapView.getScaleX();
y= mapView.getScaleY();

but the problem is when i click zoomIn button the mapview is overlaping with other pane and when i click zoomOut , it is not working and mapview is not zoomout within its stackpane like mouse's zoomIn and zoomout. i attach some code snippet.

For my  map application, changes zoom level of map by +1 or -1 and default minimum zoom level is 0, default maximum zoom level is 18.

so , there is another way to work with directly with mapview's zoom level?? above code is not working like mouse's zooming. can you guys give recommendation how to solve this problem?

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12 Replies
New Contributor II

Hi , you code nicely working . i also need to disable zoomOut button disable in zoomlevel 0 . i write code under the zoomIn button disable code . my zoomOut button is not disable . am i some thing missing can you help me ?

 tiledLayer.addDoneLoadingListener(() -> {

      var lods = tiledLayer.getTileInfo().getLevelsOfDetail();


      lods.forEach(lod -> System.out.println(lod.getLevel() + " " + lod.getScale() + " " + lod.getResolution()));





      HBox box = new HBox();



      Button zoomIn = new Button("Zoom in");

      Button zoomOut = new Button("Zoom out");


      zoomIn.setOnAction(a -> {

        Viewpoint current = mapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.CENTER_AND_SCALE);

        Viewpoint zoomedIn = new Viewpoint((Point) current.getTargetGeometry(), current.getTargetScale() / 2.0);



      zoomOut.setOnAction(a -> {

        Viewpoint current = mapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.CENTER_AND_SCALE);

        Viewpoint zoomedOut = new Viewpoint((Point) current.getTargetGeometry(), current.getTargetScale() * 2.0);




      box.getChildren().addAll(zoomIn, zoomOut);


      mapView.addMapScaleChangedListener(s -> zoomIn.setDisable(mapView.getMapScale() <= lods.get(18).getScale()));

mapView.addMapScaleChangedListener(s -> zoomOut.setDisable(mapView.getMapScale() >= lods.get(0).getScale()));




    Basemap basemap = new Basemap();







0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

The logic is good. The problem I think is that the view is not zooming out to LOD 0. If you set another LOD e.g. 5 you will see it works. Also if you make your window smaller it becomes possible to zoom to LOD 0.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II


i used different way to implement your code . but it doesnt working . i am little bit confused now where i put these code . i implemented in button action event but no result. my application is following decoupled way .can you check for where and what i am missing . also i am using javafxml to create view part of my map application. in my project button action event should be in another class.

// this is my map class//

public class IJMSMap implements MapInterface {
private MapView mapView;
private Point p;
private ArcGISMap map ;

@FXML private Button zoomOut;
@FXML private Button zoomIn;

ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer("");

public IJMSMap(MapView mapView) {
this.mapView = mapView;

// create an ArcGISMap with the default imagery basemap = new ArcGISMap(new Basemap(tiledLayer));
// display the map by setting the map on the map view
Point envelope = new Point(0.0, 0.0, SpatialReferences.getWgs84());

// this is controller class which contains zoom  button action event//

public class MapLayOutController implements Initializable {

private StackPane MapPane ;
//private MapView MapView;
//private IJMSMap map;
@FXML private VBox controlVbox;
@FXML private Button zoomOut;
@FXML private Button zoomIn;
private CheckBox layer;
@FXML private HBox zoomBtnHbox;

private MapView MapView = new MapView();
private IJMSMap map = new IJMSMap(this.MapView);
ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer("");

private StackPane PanButtonContainerPane;

public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
this.MapView = new MapView(); = new IJMSMap(this.MapView);





public void zoomIn(ActionEvent event) {

tiledLayer.addDoneLoadingListener(() -> {
var lods = tiledLayer.getTileInfo().getLevelsOfDetail();
zoomIn.setOnAction(a -> {
Viewpoint current = MapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.CENTER_AND_SCALE);

Viewpoint zoomedIn = new Viewpoint((Point) current.getTargetGeometry(), current.getTargetScale() / 2.0);

MapView.addMapScaleChangedListener(s -> zoomIn.setDisable(MapView.getMapScale() <= lods.get(18).getScale()));



public void zoomOut(ActionEvent event) {

tiledLayer.addDoneLoadingListener(() -> {
var lods = tiledLayer.getTileInfo().getLevelsOfDetail();
zoomIn.setOnAction(a -> {
Viewpoint current = MapView.getCurrentViewpoint(Viewpoint.Type.CENTER_AND_SCALE);

Viewpoint zoomedIn = new Viewpoint((Point) current.getTargetGeometry(), current.getTargetScale() / 2.0);

MapView.addMapScaleChangedListener(s -> zoomIn.setDisable(MapView.getMapScale() >= lods.get(18).getScale()));



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