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Installation of Notebook Server

08-05-2020 08:56 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am trying to install Notebook server on a Portal server with ArcGIS Enterprise, but get an error message in the step where the docker image is imported. The script states that the image file cannot be found although it is evidently on the path provided.

Furthermore, the Notebook installation seems to have changed the machine name of the portal server to "host.docker.internal" so all the contents in the portal is not accessible. The documentation states that Notebook server can be installed on the Enterprise server.

How can I troubleshoot the import of the docker image?

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10 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello Bjarke Thormann‌,

The modification of the hosts file with the machine's IP address and additional DNS names essentially puts you in a different requirement for preparation before creation of the ArcGIS Enterprise sites. The information is described in this How-To article: How To: Install ArcGIS Notebook Server on the same machine with a Base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment ....

At this point, removal of Docker and the hosts entries plus the restart of the machine should hopefully get your ArcGIS Enterprise stack back up and running. Once that is complete, you should go through the process of defining the and files for each of the components prior to reinstalling Docker.

This is something that is probably best-approached in a support case, as there are a few different aspects even following the reinstallation that may be affecting the accessibility of the Notebook Server images to the PostInstall utility. Also keep in mind that separation of workloads is always recommended for a production environment and that there are additional constraints when implementing the Docker portion using Docker Desktop on Windows that are not present when deploying ArcGIS Notebook Server on a Linux machine.

ArcGIS Notebook Server 10.8.x system requirements—ArcGIS Enterprise | Documentation for ArcGIS Enter... 

Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server—ArcGIS Notebook Server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise 

-- Chris Pawlyszyn
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Emerging Contributor

I realize it would be better to have the Notebook server on a separate machine as Docker seems to be using a lot of resources, and the change of Portal settings is unfortunate.

I would therefore like to reset the Portal settings to the configuration used by Enterprise builder (while preserving the user contents in the portal).

What would be the easiest way to do this? Many configurations seems to be changed (e.g. webadaptor, datastore etc).

Thank you.

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Esri Contributor

In previous cases we've been able to remove the Docker Desktop software as well as comment out the entries in the hosts file, then restart the machine. At that point the components should pick up an additional machine name 'change' back to the FQDN, but it may be prudent to take a WebGISDR backup or an image-based backup/snapshot of the machine before additional modification.

-- Chris Pawlyszyn
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Emerging Contributor


By commenting out the Docker entries in the System32 host file I am now able to login to the portal.

I can see the user contents listed, but am not able to open e.g. dashboards. One error message is that the base map is not available.


Among other errors, when going to the portal settings I see that the federated servers are not possible to validate. Some Docker settings seem to remain.



Thank you.

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Esri Contributor

I would check your security configuration on the ArcGIS Server site, it likely needs to be updated to point to the Portal machine's FQDN as opposed to the host.docker.internal alias that you removed. Check out step 8 here: Configure an existing ArcGIS Enterprise deployment for high availability—Portal for ArcGIS | Documen... 

-- Chris Pawlyszyn
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Emerging Contributor

This was helpful. I can know open user content and the basemap is loaded.

The actual user content is not loaded unfortunately, but an error message is displayed: "The layer xyz cannot be loaded". When displaying dashboards, some visuals are replaced with the error text "not completely configured" (translated).

Would there be a technical log I can view for pinpointing the exact error?


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Esri Contributor

Is the content you are trying to access hosted? If so, you'll probably want to start with validation of the relational data store. Also, try accessing one of the layers in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer from the REST URL as opposed to within the dashboard. If this is unsuccessful, check the ArcGIS Server logs and the backend ArcGIS Data Store logs for additional information.

-- Chris Pawlyszyn
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Emerging Contributor

Yes, some of it is hosted, e.g. a simple csv file.

From Settings in the Enterprise portal I was unable to validate the federated server.

In ArcGIS Server Manager -> Site -> Data Stores, the data stores could not be validated either.

Using the different data store tools in /etc/tools I tried to register the data store but got other errors, so I decided to uninstall and install Data Store again.

This completed successfully and I am now able to validate the Relational and Tile Cache data stores and the server, which failed before the re-install.

When accessing the dashboards errors are still shown.

Simply accessing a feature layer with csv data is not possible either.

Looking in ArcGIS Server Manager -> logs I get various errors although the data stores got validated succesfully. Maybe the deployment is beyond repair.


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Esri Contributor

You may want to open a support case on this, it seems like we've uncovered a few different aspects along the way. I would recommend you check that the PublishingToolsEx service is started from Server Admin -> Services -> System -> PublishingToolsEx -> Status and if it is not started then attempt to do so. Evidence of the registration working successfully would be updated dsconnections.lst files in <config-store>\data\ and <server_install_folder>\DatabaseSupport\.

-- Chris Pawlyszyn
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