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Supervise Classification with segmentation

04-07-2023 07:20 PM
New Contributor

I am trying to do supervised classification, however I keep receiving the error ERROR 003436 No training samples found for these classes: Ground, Pine, Spruce, NativeVegetation, Shadow and the classification fails. I created my training samples using the segmented image and am using the Classification Wizard, I have tried the steps separately outside the classification wizard as well. Files are stored in a folder, not geodatabase. Previously I have received errors saying no VAT table found. I tried running the same process using ESRI training data and it worked fine. 

2 Replies
New Contributor II

I experience the same problem. I think it might have to do with the corresponding schema (.ecs file). Maybe they got disconnected when I tried to make new training samples. However, when I look into the attribute table of the training samples, all classcodes have the right classvalues. 

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