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Pan Sharpening Imagery

06-07-2022 03:47 AM
New Contributor III

I am curretly running ARCPro 2.8 and use worldview imagery.

When I have a panchromatic and multispectral image I like to have a pan-sharpened image to work with.

The properties for the multispectral have RGB where R=Red, G=Green and B=Blue (pretty obvious really!). However when I run the pansharpening tool using the default ESRI setting the resulting image has R=Yellow!

This makes for a horrible image to work with. I have tried the other settings and get the same results.

Any ideas????

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


I assume you mean Worldview3, with 8 multispectral bands?

Can you clarify exactly how you're doing this?  I always use mosaic datasets to manage imagery, so the pan sharpening is done on the fly (not with a tool, not creating more output files).  But you said "the pan sharp tool" and it allows you to specify which bands are used.   It defaults to band 3 (green) but does it not work to set Red Channel = band 5?









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New Contributor III


thanks for the reply. I will look at the method that you use an give it a try.

The way I create a pansharpened image is by using the pansharpening tool under raster functions. This has always worked for  me in the past.

Now though when I use it, despite the MS properties being RGB initially when I run the tool the output for the Red band is always Yellow. I do not know why this is the case!

I will also pass on your solution to our imagery manager.

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Esri Regular Contributor


My apologies, I should have tried the raster function - when you said "tool" I assumed GP tool.  I just looked at this on Pro 3.0 beta, and you're correct - the pansharpening function does not expose band selection in the UI.  Note this will work automatically if you first create a mosaic dataset and then add your images using the WorldView 3 raster type.  





If you don't want to use a mosaic dataset for some reason, you can also make this work by using an "Extract Bands" function in front of the pansharpening function (the chain below is applied inside the mosaic dataset) - but our raster function should be updated to enable the user to select which bands to process.



Thanks for the feedback on this.

Note you should also be able to use the GP tool as I indicated above, but this will generate a new image on disk - so normally I would recommend  using on-the-fly functions as you were attempting to do.  

Cody B

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