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Mosaic Dataset vs. Raster

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04-10-2018 01:24 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor II

I have multiple rasters (WGS 1984) that when combined in a mosaic dataset do not line up with the original rasters. They are off by about 3-5 feet from the original. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on here? I'm keeping the coordinates the same and using the default properties. See the attached image and properties.

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15 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Sure, whats the best way to share it over GeoNet?

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Occasional Contributor II

Also, the raster info function and the .jp2 raster contents re the same.

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Occasional Contributor II

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Occasional Contributor II

For anyone curious, I figured out what was going on. The mosaic when brought into a WGS 1984 map lined up perfectly. When I brought it into a NAD 1983 map and let it re-project on the fly (which is what I had been doing)  it was off by 3-5 feet. When I brought it into a NAD 1983 map and instead set the transformation using WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983 it came in fine. 

Esri Regular Contributor

Note there is a mosaic dataset default property called: Geographic Coordinate Transforms which enables you to define a datum transforms to use. If using data in different datums then the appropriate datum to use can be set here. Note that the source, the mosaic dataset and the client requests can all be in different datums. By setting the datums here they will be used vs a system default

Occasional Contributor II

Thank you!

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