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Model Configuration files missing for Living Atlas deep learning training data set "Seabird Detection"

01-29-2023 11:03 AM
New Contributor II

Sorry for cross-posting...

I am trying to use the "Seabird (Tern) Detection - Africa" deep learning training package by ESRI Analytics set from ArcGIS' "Living Atlas of the World".

However, there appear to be crucial files missing from the DLPK pacakge, namely the model configuration files. These files seem to be present in their other deep learning data sets, e.g. Arctic seals. See error below.

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_20868\ in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 model = ModelExtension.from_model(emd_path = model_path, data = data)

~\anaconda3\envs\arcgis_deep\lib\site-packages\arcgis\learn\models\ in from_model(cls, emd_path, data)
371 mextnsn = cls(
372 data,
--> 373 model_configuration,
374 backbone,
375 pretrained_path=str(model_file),

NameError: name 'model_configuration' is not defined


Does anyone know how I can aquire the missing configuration files?

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
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New Contributor II

Hi Dan,

Yes, I looked on those pages. The problem is that there are files missing in the provided package.

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New Contributor II

Hi Amy. All models do not contain the same set of files. Which version of pro are you on? I just tested it on my side and it seems to be working fine. 



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New Contributor II

Hello, thanks for getting in touch. I'm on Pro 3.0.3. 

I was hoping to get the Model Configuration file so I could run the training through Python. I just tried to follow the instructions to do it all through Pro instead, and came up with another error (1) where it's saying I haven't selected a dlpk or emd flile (I've tried both). I tried importing it directly from the Portal, and came up with error 2 instead... - could you advise?

Many thanks! Amy

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