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Extracting values from hosted Sentenel-2 imagery using Extract Multi Values to points

04-01-2023 06:02 AM
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor

From ArcGIS Pro 3.1, I am trying to use the Extract Multi Values for Points GP tool to extract NDVI values for 75 point records from imagery hosted on the Living Atlas.

The tool fails with a waring message " ERROR 001268: Input rasters: The input item, 29707059, is invalid."

I tried using the Sentinel-2 Views,  Sentinel-2 Views Level-2a, Landsat 8-9 Views, always with the same error. I then tried clipping the imagery using the Clip Raster Function, but that still failed. I then tried Make Image Server Layer, and that failed. I even tried selecting the relevant tile from the imager service and adding as a stand alone layer to contents pane, but that also failed.

It really seems strange that I am unable to use these valuable image services to extract values. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different approach to try?  Or is this just not possible?

Right now I am forced to download a 1.03 GB image from the Copernicus Open Access Hub to extract these values for 75 points coveringa  small area. Surely there must be a more efficient approach? 


Thank you.

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2 Replies
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Hi Mervyn,

Try to double-check that the item ID is correct and you have the necessary permissions to access the imagery hosted on the Living Atlas.

If the issue persists, it may be worth trying a different approach. One possible option is to use the ArcGIS Image Server extension to create an image service from the Copernicus Open Access Hub image you downloaded and then use the Extract Multi Values to Points tool on that service. This approach would allow you to avoid downloading the entire image and instead work with just the subset of pixels you need for your points.

How to Extract Raster Values at Point Locations? (

Alternatively, you could try using a different tool or approach to extract the NDVI values for your points, such as the Zonal Statistics as Table tool. This tool may have different requirements or limitations than the Extract Multi Values to Points tool, but it's worth exploring multiple options to find the one that works best for your specific use case.



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Regular Contributor

Thanks for responding Omar. Sadly I dont have access to the ArcGIS Image Server extension to try and connect to the Copernicus Open Access Hub.

I also tried running the Zonal Statistics as a Table tool on the two Sentinel-2 View image services that also failed. It wont even run as the image can not be used for this purpose. The irony of it is that this image service is supposed to be "analysis ready" see I have only ever been able to use it for visualisation. 

I'll just have to keep downloading Sentinel 2 imagery when I need to use it in any analysis. 

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