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Esri Imagery Flipboard

08-04-2014 01:14 PM
Occasional Contributor

Check out and subscribe to the Esri Imagery Flipboard at Now what do you think?

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7 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

This is very nicely put together!  Drones and UAVs are hot topics as well as interesting.  Will this be a continually updated site or will it be more like a magazine/journal with monthly publications?  I am impressed with this; great job!

Occasional Contributor

Adrian, great questions. Susana Crespo, a colleague of mine, is the content owner. I merely shared the link.

I agree, it's a great site. It appears to be something that is ongoing.

MVP Honored Contributor

Do you know if there will be an archived section or a place to subscribe to updates?  Thanks for sharing and thanks to Susana too!

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Esri Contributor

Excellent tool.Susana Crespo‌ and all to be acknowledge by the work. Expanding the usage of Flipboard to talk about other subjects could be an very interesting way to do it. Thanks Fred for sharing.

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Occasional Contributor

Just under the pictures of Susana and Melanie there is a button to select, "Follow." I believe it's a continually updated flipboard.

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New Contributor II

Thank you Francisco!  It is a fun, easy way to share interesting content over time.  Myself and several of my colleagues interested in Imagery will be maintaining into the future.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Great use of the technology! Flipboard has become my 'go to' site for looking at the internet on my devices.  The imagery really pops on there and the format makes it easy to navigate.  I recommend putting more of the visually interesting on Flipboard.