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Convert Luojia1-01 Digital Number to radiance

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06-03-2022 05:36 AM
New Contributor III

Hi, I am trying to convert Luojia's digital number to radiance following the equation in the attached image. I am using the Raster Calculator for this conversion and the command I am typing is "my_image"^(3/2)*10^(-10) but the resulting image is a binary raster with 0 and 1 values. I tried other things as well, like inserting brackets in the equation etc but the result is the same. Could you please help me? From here (link removed, if someone wants the image I can share it) you can download the image. Many thanks

conversion to radianceconversion to radiance

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1 Solution

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New Contributor III

After applying the same formula to an other GIS software the result was a continuous raster which had a range of pixel values from 0-0.08. The range seem small but I contacted Prof Xi Li and he said that that's the expected range after the conversion. I'm not sure if ArcMap is unable to capture a difference in range that small thus creating a binary raster but I will leave the image available for download for couple more days in case some1 wants to figure it out.

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1 Reply
New Contributor III

After applying the same formula to an other GIS software the result was a continuous raster which had a range of pixel values from 0-0.08. The range seem small but I contacted Prof Xi Li and he said that that's the expected range after the conversion. I'm not sure if ArcMap is unable to capture a difference in range that small thus creating a binary raster but I will leave the image available for download for couple more days in case some1 wants to figure it out.

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