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Apparent reflectance for WV-3 imagery?

12-15-2017 12:57 PM
New Contributor II

I would like to use the Apparent Reflectance Function with some Worldview-3 multiband imagery. However, the appropriate corrections do not populate from the metadata that is supplied by Digital Globe. I know there are a number of patches out there for desktop 10.3 with respect to the Worldview-3 imagery. Does anyone know if any of those patches resolve this issue, or if there are plans in place to make that function work with this imagery? 

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Here is the Worldview patch: Esri Support 10.3 (10.3.1) 

You can also search for patches at a certain version of the software here: Esri Support Downloads 

That is how I found the patch above. Hope this helps.

--- George T.
New Contributor II

I have installed this patch, but it does not do anything to help populate the information needed to calculate apparent reflectance. I am not sure if this is a problem with the apparent reflectance function or the way the VW-3 data are interpreted but it still does not work.  

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