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Introduction and reality mapping

07-19-2023 02:13 PM
New Contributor

Following Kurt's sage advice from his welcome message, I wanted to introduce myself to the group. I'm from Aerometrex, an aerial survey and mapping company that specialises in high-resolution 3D reality modelling. You'll quickly notice from my spelling choices that perhaps I have an accent -- we're an Australian-based company that's been working in this space for multiple decades, but now has a US operations that I look after.

I've just finished up my very first Esri UC -- first time the company has attended and exhibited, too -- and myself and the team are all feeling pretty inspired. What a great event! And so professionally run. We've been working on large-scale 3D reality modelling projects for over a decade and so it's exciting to see Esri taking the big step in embracing this as part of its ecosystem, as it will really help drive the shift to 3D mesh throughout the GIS world. We're pretty familiar with most of the well-known software tools in this domain and ArcGIS Reality Studio (and ArcGIS Reality for ArcGIS Pro) looks really slick and show a lot of promise. Looking forward to really trying it out on some big projects.

Myself and the team will always be happy to help offer assistance and advice to those in this community just starting the reality mapping journey, and I've no doubt we'll also learn a lot ourselves along the way! Thanks to Esri for creating this gathering space and to all the contributors that really make it a community.

2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @JeremyPollard ! Apologies I missed your introduction when you posted it. We are so excited to have you in the group. I'm part of the ArcGIS Reality group, so please feel free to reach out any time.

Esri Contributor

Welcome Jeremy!!  I just posted an ArcGIS Reality scene of San Diego that Aerometrex provided us last year.  Awesome stuff!!