I have several mosaic datasets with imagery that is stored in AWS S3. Previously, we had all of our imagery in one location within the bucket (ex: '/vsis3/orthoimagery'). I have reorganized the imagery within the bucket such that each year of imagery is within its own "folder" (ex: '/vsis3/orthoimagery/2020', '/vsis3/orthoimagery/2021', etc.). The embedded paths were originally created using OptimizeRasters. I am attempting to update the paths in the mosaic datasets using the MDTools 'replace' function. I have tried multiple variations for the parameter '--oldpath' but it does not successfully update the records. The syntax that I am currently using is:
mdtools.exe --MD="Z:\sde_connection\orthos_2022_4band_deflate" --replace_paths --oldpath="/vsis3/orthoimagery-program/tiles/2022/cogs/deflate" --newpath="/vsis3/orthoimagery-program/tiles/2022/cogs/4-band-deflate"
I greatly appreciate anyone who can provide some insight as to why this is not working (rebuilding these will not be fun!).
@GuenterDoerffel @AbhijitDoshi