Hi Imagery Community,
I am Tony, Remote Sensing Engineer in Satellogic and I'd like to know if there is a training course for ArcGIS Image Dedicated or if you plan to create training paths in the future for the use of this solution. As satellite imagery providers in Satellogic, I'd love to know more about this solution to be able to provide better support to our clients using Esri technology.
Best regards,
Hi Tony,
I don't personally know of any training courses for Image Dedicated, but there are a few resources out there for Image Dedicated users. See below:
Hi MaddeVoas,
Thanks for the links provided. I have already access to these documents. I miss some training courses as well as some capabilities. Probably it is not mature enough. Do you know if there is a public roadmap for this specific solution?
Hi Tony,
This is exactly the feedback we're looking for. I'd love to learn more about the training you're interested in for Image Dedicated. What type of training topics would you find most helpful?
Hi Mallory,
The current documentation covers the main workflows to create, update and manage both dynamic and tile service, However I'd like to know more about how to create routines to automatize these workflows and how to improve these services as well as use cases where the whole cycle of a workflow is covered. For example:
- Read raster data from AWS S3 using cloud storage connection file (.acs)
- Create a MD and optimize it (i.e.: color balance, raster functions...)
- Publish a dynamic service
- Consume this service in both ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online
- Perform analytics using this service (object detection, classification)
- Create a web map and a web app to share the results
Hope that helps. Please let me know if you need more feedback.
Thank you so much! I'll take this back to the team.
Great! Thanks Mallory
@AkshayaSuresh might be able to help you!