On GIS Day 2024, our Esri imagery and remote sensing solutions team launched a new blog series called "Spectral Profiles," an interview-style blog series dedicated to showcasing the diverse ways in which imagery and remote sensing are used across various fields. This series highlights the stories of individuals working with imagery and remote sensing in their careers. We discuss inspiration, educational backgrounds, and the professional journeys of these individuals.
The goal of this series is to foster community and empowerment. By sharing more stories and perspectives of imagery professionals, we aim to establish connections and demonstrate to students, young professionals, and industry peers the potential impact in the field of imagery and remote sensing.
Check out our inaugural Spectral Profiles blog featuring Esri senior solution engineer, Canserina Kurnia. Her first exposure to imagery and remote sensing was during her Master's program in landscape planning at the University of New South Wales. She began her career as a GIS consultant for Esri in Indonesia and volunteered for the Orangutan Foundation International, utilizing imagery, remote sensing, and GIS for conservation work. Currently, she leads imagery and remote sensing outreach for higher education at Esri. Canserina serves as a valuable voice and representative of the diverse community of imagery professionals.
Canserina, Kurnia - Senior Solution Engineer, Esri
Read the article: https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/blog/articles/spectral-profiles-canserina-kurnia/