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Tell us about yourself

02-10-2015 11:10 AM
Regular Contributor III

If you are new to the group, tell us a little bit about yourself.

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Chris, I'm following the group but have yet to join.  My name is David Coley, I am the ArcSever Admin for Sarasota County, FL where I also work as the app developer along with my sde admin and colleague, Michael Stranovsky.  I am an MS in Geography from the University of Florida (2003).  We have some 9 focused javascript apps that work very well on the desktop and, while mobile-friendly, are not platform responsive(yet!).  I need to incorporate bootstrap but don't quite know how to do that yet.  Anyway, that's why I want to follow the group and will certainly join. Here's an example of one of my lookup apps:

Sarasota County Public Works



Regular Contributor III

Hi David,

I am working on converting an Esri Bootstrap application that was presented at the Esri DevSummit. I have and am still learning a lot on the GeoNet online forums. I hope to know more about bootstrap eventually myself like you to create my own bootstrap apps from the ground up. We are and will be using our mobile apps for the field on iPads and Android devices.

I checked out your site. Looks good. Feel free to join and share anytime you want.

Esri samples also has an example of a mobile Attribute Editing with Esri bootstrap: Attribute editing - mobile | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

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Frequent Contributor

Great, thank Chris.  Hmm, yes the jQuery example - there is clearly a lot going on in it.  I'm not sure I understand how this is bootstrap and not just jQuery...

Regular Contributor III

Actually Bootstrap uses jQuery. There are some examples that don't however. You can follow a tutorial here: Bootstrap 3 Tutorial

I also am working on a project that may or may not be easier to take in. It's for inventorying street signs and supports using a mobile device. If you want to check the code out it's here: csergent45/streetSigns · GitHub

It is an unfinished app, but it's supposed to be jQuery free.  You can also receive notifications as I update it if you follow the repository streetSigns. You can also check out the commits from the beginning and follow the code that I change and have changed along the way.

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Frequent Contributor

Ah, that's it.  Thanks Chris and yes I'm looking forward to your GIT