Slides for Data-Driven Strategy Fireside Chat GISMS 2024 Available

07-31-2024 06:57 AM
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Slides for Data-Driven Strategy Fireside Chat GISMS 2024 Available

Alina Shemetova, Izabela Miller and I had the great pleasure and honor to discuss how a group of us have been data-driving our enterprise gis, data and analytics roadmaps and strategic improvements.

How? By putting the results of enterprise maturity assessments, diagnosis and OKRs to work.

In our time on stage, we were able to present the methodology employed by our group of peers to get results. We chatted about challenges and lessons learned.

Alina, Izabela and I touched briefly on the following which are broken out in more detail in the attached slides:

  1. The power of enterprise maturity
  2. The DIY pros and cons
  3. Strategic tenets

If you want to learn more about our chat, access to the maturity models or want to reach out to Alina, Izabela and I, everything you need is available in the attached slides (pdf).

Finally, I want to thank Esri Inc. (Jim and Adam) for inviting us to share our story. Although a bit stressful to get up in front of 450+ peers and mentors, there's nothing more rewarding than being able to share our approach and what we've learned. Thank you Esri Inc.!

And, thank you for attending our session! If you weren't able to attend, make sure to make it to next years Summit!

Paul Giroux

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Frequent Contributor

Was a wonderful talk; thanks for being there again.

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Last update:
‎07-31-2024 06:57 AM
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