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What’s New In The Racial Equity GIS Hub?

07-01-2020 05:00 PM

What’s New In The Racial Equity GIS Hub?

This document will be updated with highlights of what is added and updated on the Racial Equity GIS Hub site. 

October 15th

August 1st

  • Over 25 new data layers and web maps have been added to the Racial Equity GIS hub over the past month.
    • Demographic layers
      • Where are the adults that identify as more than one race?
      • What is the most common race/ethnicity?
      • What is the predominant population by race in 2018?
      • What is the predominant population by race in 2019?
      • Predominant population race (2010)
      • Non-white predominant population race (2010)
      • 2010 population with 2 or more races in the USA
      • 2010 white population in the USA
      • 2010 Pacific islander population in the USA
      • 2010 diversity index in the United States
      • 2010 Asian Population in the USA
      • 2010 Black population in the USA
      • 2010 American -Indian/Alaskan Population in the USA
      • 2010 Hispanic population in the USA
      • Median household income by race
      • Diversity in 2010
    • Elections & Voting layers
      • Predominant single ethnicity adult citizen population and congressional districts
      • Predominant single ethnicity adult citizen population
      • Predominant non white or Hispanic adult citizen population
      • Hispanic adult voting population
    • Transportation
      • Density of LA transit stops
    • Health
      • Infant mortality in the US
      • Predominant race for teen birth in the US
    • Criminal Justice
      • Patterns of homicide
    • Housing
      • Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) neighborhood redlining grade. We want to draw special attention to this layer and accompanying web map because of how valuable GIS-ready historical redlining data is to help us understand how historical inequities still contribute to inequities today. If you are unfamiliar with the practice of redlining by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation in the 1930s and how it has contributed to racial inequities today in everything from health, wealth, policing, and more, we encourage you to read the item overview page. This layer can be very useful to overlay alongside current data and visualize how racial inequities have persisted through generations in cities across the US.


  • Over 15 new Story Maps & applications submitted by Esri users have been added to the applications section of the Racial Equity GIS hub over the past month. This section showcases the ongoing work of Esri users across domains to advance equity and social justice using GIS technology. Some of the new Story Maps and applications include:
    • Mapping the Destruction of Tennessee’s African American Neighborhoods (Story Map)
    • The Voices of Grand Canyon (Story Map) by Grand Canyon Trust
    • The Life of Dolores Huerta (Story Map) by Dolores Huerta Foundation
    • North Carolina County Vulnerability to Destruction (Story Map)
    • Planned Destruction (Story Map)
    • Healthcare Access, Racial Equity, and Maternal Mortality (Story Map) by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
    • Food Access and Equity in New Orleans (Story Map) by W.K. Kellogg Foundation
    • Resiliency for Renters (Story Map)
    • The 2020 Presidential Election: Impacts of Voting by mail
    • Keeping Track of Congress by Black Girls MAPP
    • U.S. Congress Bill Tracker by Black Girls MAPP
    • Wake COVID Food distribution
    • South Bend Police Department Transparency Hub
    • Learn more about use of force in the South Bend Police Department
    • Opportunity Suspended (Story Map) by Initiate Justice and the Self-Represented Litigation Network
    • Segregation is Killing Us… (Story Map) by Territorial Empathy
    • Race & Equity 2020 Census Data Hub by the Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative
    • Navajo Epidemiology Center Coronavirus Response Hub
    • Seneca National Coronavirus Response Hub
    • RVAgreen 2050 Climate Equity Index Application


  • Blog Articles
    • On the Resource page, find several new blog articles to guide your work
    • In case you missed it, we also want to draw attention to the COVID-19 and Racial Equity blog series where you can find guidance and resources on how best to leverage GIS data and tools to address racial inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic

July 1st 

  • Public Policy Map collection added. Use these maps to start your own collection. Maps include:
    • Where is there a national income disparity for Black households?
    • Home Ownership Rates by Race
    • Black Children in Poverty in the US
    • Where should we focus on improving life expectancy? (broken down by race)
    • Which group is least likely to receive mammogram screening?
    • What is the most common race/ethnicity?
    • Median Household Income by Race by Tract, 2012-2016
    • Predominant Race for Teen Birth in the U.S.
  • Blog Articles
  • Business Analyst Infographic templates (Race and Age Overview, Race and Age Profile, and Race and Hispanic Origin) now include instructions and dark mode.
Occasional Contributor

For those interested, we have created a StoryMap within "Renewing Inequality" called the "People and the Program" located at the top of the page. This ArcGIS StoryMaps‌ outlines the destruction and history of #UrbanRenewal and it's connection to #Redlining

Version history
Last update:
‎07-01-2020 05:00 PM
Updated by: