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Writing a ArcPy script to create layer from selected features at end of geo-model

08-11-2010 08:08 AM
Regular Contributor
I have created a geo-processing model that does a 14 min drive time around a point then selects all block groups within that drive time area.  As of now I have to right click in the table of contents to turn the selection into a layer while I would rather have that done automatically at the end of the model.  How do I script this in ArcPy?  I thank you in advanced for your help.
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4 Replies
Regular Contributor
Would it be something like this?

# Name:
# Description:  creates a new layer based on a query.
# Author: RFurlong

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

arcpy.overwriteOutput = true


   # Make a layer from the feature class

   # Write the selected features to a new layer
   arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("blockgroups", "c:/data/test.gdb/blockgroups")
Emerging Contributor
I have a similar problem I have created a simple model in Arcmap Arcgis9.3,  I have reached the penultimate stage which is to select polygons by location however I cannot find a tool in the system toolbox that will export the selection to a layer file. In other stages of the model i have used the select tool to export selections based on attributes but i cant seem to find a similar feature for selections based on location?

What am I missing?
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Deactivated User
There's the Save To Layer File tool.

To select features based on location, use the Select Layer By Location tool

I'm pretty sure you'll find everything you need in the Layers and Table Views toolset.
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Esri Notable Contributor
Is there python script to select all of the features on the screen?  I know there is a tool for it by searching for it through the Customize menu, but is there a way to script the function?
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